We deliver core and specialist solutions for the public sector.

Savings of £950 million.
So far, SSCL has saved taxpayers more than £950 million in 11 years – providing more funds for frontline public services.

29 Awards Won.
In 2023 SSCL submitted 80 award entries and proudly won 29, making it SSCL’s busiest awards year to date.
Why partner with us?
Convenience, choice and a great user experience – our solutions ensure vital services are delivered on time, at the right time, every time.
Increased certainty and reduced risk – our experience and track record of success means we deliver innovative services that drive cost and efficiency savings for all our clients.
Case Studies
Who we work with.
We specialise in harmonising people, processes and technology to deliver smarter services and improved customer experience.
We provide digital innovation to end-to-end Employee Services, Payroll, Finance and Accounts, Procurement, Pensions Administration and Resourcing Services.